Strategic Approaches
SANREM will work with active local networks of community-based environmental groups that can help raise environmental awareness, conduct environmental education, engage in environmental advocacy and serve as a local environmental watchdog. It acts as a focal point and a platform for regional NGO sector to respond to local environmental needs as well as encourage co-operation in the area of sustainable development.
The organization will encourage local environmental CBOs and NGOs to become more organized and active in addressing issues and concerns relating to sustainable development through facilitating and encouraging collective voice and action, advocacy, networking, providing training, information and knowledge. SANREM will work with active local network of community-based agricultural and environmental groups that can help raise environmental awareness, conduct environmental education, engage in environmental advocacy, and achieve ecologically sustainable solutions within their own communities.
The following key elements constitute our strategic action:
- Providing individuals, groups and associations with opportunities to be actively involved in sustainable development mechanisms, policies and events;
- Promote the monitoring, and awareness building functions of African NGOs in the area of sustainable development and environment protection;
- Helping them to gain a variety of experiences in, and a basic understanding of, sustainable development principles;
- Strengthen African NGOs and associations to become more organized and active in addressing sustainable development issues by facilitating and encouraging collective voice and action, networking, information exchange, research and development initiatives;
- Promote community action in the field of sustainable development and environment conservation by supporting small and medium scale projects which empower local communities to develop their own solutions to their environmental and development challenges;
- Build the capacity of local NGOs and associations and to sensitize the public to manage and protect the environment in a manner that ensures both national and global benefits.